


贝洛伊特被授予 January Division III Diversity Spotlight Initiative 全国大学生体育协会. 这个奖项, which focuses on outstanding programming, 项目, and initiatives around diversity, went to 贝洛伊特 in recognition of the college community’s recent work with inclusive 项目 and hiring practices, including their involvement with Black Lives Matter 贝洛伊特 (#BLMB). 这个奖项 comes with a $500 prize to be used toward future initiatives.

心理学教授 拉里•白 made an appearance on the Netflix documentary series, Making a Murderer. White, who also directs 贝洛伊特’s Law and Justice Program, consulted on the case the show centers on. White has consulted on hundreds of legal cases that relate to his areas of expertise: the reliability of eye witness testimony and the problem of false confessions.

One of 贝洛伊特’s oldest historic buildings, 坎贝尔大厅, will be undergoing a makeover this year. The classic brick three-story, built in 1854 and once known as North College, will have its façade refreshed and its entryway renovated. The newly restored 坎贝尔大厅 entrance will be named for Les McAllister, one of 贝洛伊特’s legendary professors of economics who passed away last year.

伯洛伊特学院杂志 publishing schedule has changed. Formerly, the magazine arrived in households in March, July, and November. Starting in 2016, readers will receive the magazine in January, April, and September.

危险! viewers in January were probably surprised to see 贝洛伊特 turn up in a clue under the “accounting” category. When the familiar blue box flipped over for Alex Trebek to read aloud, it said: “贝洛伊特 is a liberal arts college. This Big 4 accounting firm that rhymes with 贝洛伊特 has its own university.” The question: “What is Deloitte?” was posed correctly by one of the contestants.

At a February meeting of the college’s board of trustees, board members signed a proclamation pledging their support for 贝洛伊特的Powerhouse项目, the reimagining of a decommissioned power plant along the Rock River. The college is currently raising funds for the project, which will serve as both a student union and an indoor recreation center.

经济学的一天 celebrated its 30th anniversary in February. The event that brings together students majoring in economics, 教师, and economics department alumni in Chicago is 贝洛伊特’s quintessential networking event, a time when students get to rub shoulders with successful alumni and focus on what the future may hold.

巴勃罗·托拉尔 收到了詹姆斯R. Underkofler Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award in March. The associate professor of international relations and environmental studies was nominated by students for the honor, which is endowed by Alliant Energy and awarded annually by the Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges.

有利的, a photography blog, named the Wright Museum of Art’s Conflict and Consequence exhibit the Best Photography Exhibition of 2015. Todd Tubutis策划的92年, associate director of the Sheldon Museum of Art at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the exhibit was on display last September through October.

Tubutis was inspired to curate the show because of the work of fellow 贝洛伊特er and photographer Luke Somers’08, who was kidnapped and killed while working as a photojournalist in Yemen. The exhibit featured the work of photographers who dedicate their lives to documenting war-torn parts of the world and the human toll of conflicts long after the shooting has stopped. Tubutis said that rather than intending to memorialize Somers, he was motivated to curate this exhibit to offer context to the important work that Somers did.


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