
邀请临时教师, researchers or other scholars to come to the United States for projects on campus. 


访问ing scholars are individuals coming to 十大菠菜台子 for the 临时 purpose of teaching, research, 咨询 or otherwise sharing special skills at the college. Most visiting scholars come to 十大菠菜台子 as J-1 Exchange 访问ors. The college is authorized to host visiting scholars under the following three J-1 categories of the J-1 Exchange 访问or Status: 短期学者 , Professor , 研究学者 .



十大菠菜台子 is approved to invite visiting scholars in the following J-1 Exchange 访问or categories.


一位Professor, 研究学者, or person with similar education or accomplishments who enters the United States for a short-term visit for the purpose of 讲课, 观察, 咨询, 培训, or demonstrating special skills at research institutions, 博物馆, 库, post-secondary accredited academic institutions, or similar types of institutions (22 C.F.R. 62.4(b)).

Minimum Program Duration: 没有一个



Exchange visitor’s primary purpose is teaching, 讲课, 观察, or 咨询 at post-secondary accredited academic institutions, 博物馆, 库, or similar types of institutions (22 C.F.R. 62.4(e)).

Minimum Program Duration: 3周

最大项目持续时间: 5年


Exchange visitor’s primary purpose is conducting research, 观察, or 咨询 in connection with a research project at research institutions, corporate research facilities, 博物馆, 库, post-secondary accredited academic institutions, or similar types of institutions (22 C.F.R. 62.4(f)).

Minimum Program Duration: 3周

最大项目持续时间: 5年


In order to invite an individual to be a J-1 Exchange 访问or at 十大菠菜台子, the college must establish all of the following:

  • The program is suitable to the exchange visitor’s background, needs, experience (22 CFR 62.4 (a)(1))
  • The Exchange 访问or possesses sufficient proficiency in the English language, as determined by an objective measurement of English language proficiency, successfully to participate in his or her program and to function on a day-to-day basis (22 CFR 62.4 (a)(2))
  • The Exchange 访问or possesses adequate financial resources to participate in and complete his or her exchange visitor program; and (22 C.F.R. 62.12 (b) (1) (2))
  • The Exchange 访问or possesses adequate financial resources to support an accompanying spouse and dependents, 如果有任何. (22 C.F.R.  62.12 (b) (1) ((3)
  • The Exchange 访问or and any dependents 

Steps for Sponsoring an Exchange 访问or

The immigration component of inviting a visiting scholar involves three parties: the inviting department, the Office of International Education (OIE) and the scholar.  Follow the steps below to complete the process.

Inviting departments must also consult with Human Resources and other relevant departments to ensure that all proper institutional procedures are followed regarding hiring and access to the institution.

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