February 01, 2022

Dostoevsky as Suicidologist: Self-Destruction and the Creative Process

By Amy D. Ronner’76
Lexington Books, 2020

Book cover for Dostoevsky as Suicidologist: Self- Destruction and the Creative Process by Amy D... Amy Ronner’s sixth book analyzes the multiple suicides in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s writings and his views of the suicide epidemic in Russia.

Through a close reading of the self-murders in Dostoevsky’s post-exile masterpieces, Ronner illustrates how Dostoevsky’s implicit awareness of self-homicide prefigured the theories of prominent suicidologists, shaped his philosophy and craft as a writer, and forged a link between artistry and the impulse to self-annihilate.

Ronner is a professor of law emerita at St. Thomas University College of Law.

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